064 "World Peace (WorldPeace) Meditation Garden"
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World Peace Meditation Garden Full Image
World Peace Meditation Garden Cropped Image
x 72" / Oil on Canvas
by John WorldPeace
partial interpretation from the artist's transient perspective
The central figure in this painting can be viewed as
the Virgin Mary of Christianity or Kwan Yin of Buddhism
or any number of their female counterparts of the major
masculine oriented religions that presently dominate
human society. This painting is about meditating on
peace and World Peace.
The figure represents the Phoenix, which rises from
its ashes to live again. The inner background of the
painting is composed of black, white, and gray squares
and rectangles. These are the ashes of the prior existence
of this figure. The squares and rectangles illustrate
the structure that this figure manifested in her previous
reality. All of that is now gone. The colored squares
and rectangles among the gray ones depict the significant
accomplishments of this figure in her prior incarnations.
We do not know how long this being will live. It may
be minutes or eons in the human definition of time.
We do not know and we do not care because regardless
of how long a being exists within this reality, disintegration
always prevails. That which was becomes no more and
then rises from its ashes in an endless cycle of birth
and death.
The being is sitting in water because she has been reborn
into the Age of Aquarius, which presently influences
the planet Earth. She is holding a lotus, one of the
world's most beautiful flowers, which grows from garbage
dumps and swamps throughout the world. From the foul
excrement of human society blooms a lotus. From death
and decay comes resurrection and new life. From chaos
comes peace and World Peace.
The figure’s earrings are blue swastikas. The
Nazis in WWII appropriated the traditional religious
swastika for political purposes. Prior to that, the
swastika had been used as a religious symbol, dating
back to the dawn of human history. The blue swastika
represents a spinning cross, founded upon the present
Age of water, or Aquarius. This is a spiritual painting,
not a political statement and the swastikas are included
within that context.
The butterflies show that all things within this figure's
reality are also being born and dying. The life cycles
of the butterflies are shorter than the being's but
nonetheless, both are destined to disintegrate back
into the Infinite Oneness in the future.
This is the nature of peace and World Peace in the physical
universe. Peace and World Peace come from an acknowledgement
that change is constant. All things that are born begin
to die. What is created from the Infinite Potential
disintegrates back into that Oneness.
The two snakes of orange and green symbolize the earth
and fire, respectively. They feed upon themselves, which
is another indication that there is, even within all
things, a constant creation and disintegration. The
snakes not only feed upon themselves, but they also
interact with each other. The earth is creating and
the snake is destroying by fire what the earth has manifested.
The snakes also represent the DNA that defines life
on earth.
The small mandalas depict universes, both physical and
intangible, which have been created by the being. She
has just been reborn and therefore her universe is not
yet crowded with her creations. Each mandala can be
perceived as a galaxy or an entire universe. Regardless,
all are part of the creation manifested by the being.
Within her creation, there is peace and World Peace
because she is the One from which all things manifest
and into which all things disintegrate.
There is a void surrounding the snakes that encloses
the being and limits it. Behind the being is another
dimension of which she is also a part. We are all a
part of infinite dimensions. Our lives are not limited
by what we see and feel in this reality. Our existence
includes the intangible, infinite dimensions as well.
On the four corners of the painting are four cranes
that face the four directions: north, south, east and
west. The message is one of peace projected across the
planet Earth.
The being contemplates all these things as she creates
new worlds. The being meditates on all that is and the
never-ending manifestation and disintegration that marks
this plane of existence. She meditates on peace and
World Peace.
As above, so below. As in heaven, so it is on earth.
As it is on earth, so it is in heaven.
The World Peace (WorldPeace) Insignia floats above the
being's head. In this reality, our prayer is for peace
and WorldPeace within a dynamic society of human beings
who constantly enter and exit this reality and live
in a state of disharmony and sometimes, outright chaos.
John WorldPeace
January 14, 2005